Are you wondering how much bigger your dachshund is going to get? Or maybe you’re not sure if your dachshund is overweight or still growing? We’re going to answer all your questions and more.
When are dachshunds full grown? A dachshund’s bones will stop growing by the time they’re 12 months old, but they’ll keep filling out and putting on weight until they’re 18 months or even 2 years old. Make sure you watch their weight during this time.
Is your sausage pup still growing like mad? Are you wondering when he’s going to stop, and how much bigger he’s going to get? Or maybe you’re worried he’s putting on too much weight? Read on to find out about the different size dachshunds, when they’re fully grown, what age they stop growing and how big your dachshund is supposed to be.
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How do I know when my dachshund is fully grown?
There’s no definitive answer as to when your dachshund is fully grown,. The general consensus is their frame will be fully grown at around 12 months. But they’ll continue to fill out and put on weight for some time after that.

In the American Kennel Club’s Breed Standard when it talks about the ideal sizes of different types of adult dachshund, it bases its measurements on their size “at 12 months”. So that must be when it considers dachshunds to have reached their adult size. This makes sense because dachshunds’ skeletons are supposed to be fully developed when they’re 12 months old. They shouldn’t get taller or longer after that.
Just like us, dachshunds go through different phases in their lives. They go from being puppies to teenagers to adults, and then they have their golden years. Your dachshund might look and behave like a pup for the first few years of his life, even though he’s actually fully grown. Also, while your dachshund’s frame won’t change once he’s out of puppyhood, he might put on or lose weight with age. It’s important to know how big your dachshund is actually meant to be once he’s fully grown so you can spot any weight problems.
What age do dachshunds stop growing?
A dachshund’s bones should stop growing by the time they’re 1 year old, although they might keep filling out for some time after that.
Dachshunds are bred with the chondrodysplasia (dwarfism) gene, so it takes longer than normal for their legs to fully develop.

Once they’re born, dachshund puppies start growing rapidly for the first 8 months or so. Their long bones in their legs get longer, thanks to the growth plates at the end of the bones. These keep developing until the growth plates close up, which happens at 10–12 months.
For a while after the growth plates close, your dachshund will keep putting on weight until reaching his adult weight. He could stop growing at 18 months or keep going until he’s 2 years old – it just depends on your pup.
It’s really important to keep an eye on his size as he fills out. His metabolism will have started to slow down and he’ll be more likely to become overweight. Obviously, a plump sausage is not a good thing. Extra weight can put strain on his little legs and give him back problems too. With a healthy, balanced diet, the right foods and plenty of exercise, he should be fine. It’s easy to feel and see if your dachshund is putting on too much weight. You should be able to feel his ribs and see a properly defined tuck to his waist.
What size is a miniature dachshund?
A miniature dachshund is around 13–18 cm (5–6 inches) in height (to the withers) and weighs no more than 11 pounds (5 kg). A miniature dachshund generally weighs 10 pounds (4.5 kg) when 12 months or older and has a chest circumference of 35.5 cm (14 inches).

A miniature dachshund is a lot smaller than a standard dachshund. They’re actually about half the size and weight. So, if you’ve got a puppy and aren’t sure whether he’s a miniature or standard dachshund, you’ll be able to tell from his size once he’s about 12 months old and closer to his adult size. Of course, if you’ve bought him from a registered breeder, you’d have this information on the paperwork they gave you.
What size is a standard dachshund?
A standard dachshund is around 20–22 cm (8–9 inches) in height (to the withers) and weighs between 16 and 32 pounds (7–14 kg). A standard dachshund generally weighs 20–26 pounds (9–11.5 kg) when 12 months or older and has a chest circumference of 35.5 cm (14 inches).

A standard dachshund is about double the size of a miniature sausage dog. Of course, he’s still a lot tinier than most dogs, so is still classed as a small dog. Any heavier than this and you’ll need to keep an eye on his weight. You don’t want him getting much heavier or fuller.
Although, having said that, these are ‘breed standard’ measurements and dachshunds come in all sorts of different shapes and sizes. Another great way to check is to have a good look at him yourself. See if there are fat rolls on his withers (this is the point between the shoulder blades). Check for clear definition or a tuck by his waistline. You should be able to see his waist and hips when looking at him from above. And run your hands over his ribcage. If you can’t feel his ribs at all, he’s definitely overweight.
What is a tweenie dachshund?
A ‘tweenie’ dachshund is an in-between size. Not quite big enough to be a standard dachshund and not small enough to be miniature. If your dachshund weighs between 11 and 16 pounds (5–7 kg), he probably counts as a ‘tweenie’.

This size isn’t really recognised by official breed standards but is popular with owners because it’s the perfect mix between the two sizes!
What is a rabbit dachshund?
A rabbit dachshund was bred for hunting smaller prey like rabbits (rather than badgers that the bigger dachshunds were bred to hunt). Rabbit dachshunds weigh less than 8 pounds (just over 3.5 kg) and measure just 30.5 cm (12 inches) around their chest as adults.
The rabbit dachshund isn’t recognised by the UK or US Kennel Club but is recognised by the World Canine Federation. This teeny dachshund is sometimes referred to as a ‘toy’ or ‘teacup’ dachshund. There’s not much information out there on ‘rabbit dachshunds’ so, if you see one on sale, steer clear. It’s better to buy dachshunds in the ‘miniature’ or ‘standard’ sizes as these are recognised by the UK and US breed standard.
So, now you know how long it takes for a dachshund pup’s bones to develop and how big an adult dachshund should be, you’ll have a better idea of the size your sausage dog will be when fully grown. Every dachshund is different and, whatever shape or size they end up, they’ll be perfect exactly as they are!